Recent content by SwimDude11

  1. S

    Quick Question About Remedials

    Thanks for the quick reply! Do you think that they will most likely just qualify me and not go through the hassle of a remedial? The chances of that seem slim to me haha but I'm not sure how they work! Also, you seem to know a lot, do you have a lot of experience with DoDMERB? Regards, Swimdude
  2. S

    Disqualification for symptom-free rash?

    It depends entirely on what the diagnosis from your doctor was. The point of DODMERB is to determine wether or not you are fit to serve in the military. If the condition was treated with no lasting effects on you, and was completely cured, you should be fine. I can't really tell but by your post...
  3. S

    Quick Question About Remedials

    Hey all, New poster here, I just had a quick question for anyone with experience with this. Today I had my Optometry exam and Physical I Know I did fine on the color blind (got all the numbers correct, saw the two paths, etc...), vision is good, and depth perception im assuming is good as...