L L laxkeeper20 Jun 6, 2013 Hey man, what were scores like for getting prep? I'm applying this coming year
T T Tman910 Apr 22, 2013 No i wousn't, I got the invite a bit late and I wousn't even half way through my application. haha I finished the PT the last week. Where you from?
No i wousn't, I got the invite a bit late and I wousn't even half way through my application. haha I finished the PT the last week. Where you from?
J J Jayjorden Apr 21, 2013 Hey was you on the DVP Enlistee trip to USAFA in september of last year. If so i was there. I got into the prep also!!
Hey was you on the DVP Enlistee trip to USAFA in september of last year. If so i was there. I got into the prep also!!