Recent content by TyBo

  1. T

    Army ROTC 2023-2024 3rd Board

    DS still has banner and still showing B/UC - still in play for him?
  2. T

    Army ROTC 2023-2024 3rd Board

    Nice summary! By "only new applications will be reviewed" do you mean that improvements or edits to January applications will not result in improved scores (e.g. new PFT or additional activities, etc..)?
  3. T

    Army ROTC 2023-2024 2nd Board

    Looks like at least two 3-year scholarships on the 2024 thread: Still holding out hope, as my DS still shows Boarded/UC, as well. Good luck!
  4. T

    AROTC Question - PMS Interview Weight

    After rereading my original post, I think I might have given the wrong impression of the PMS at the local school. I'm certain they were professional, and likely just proudly sharing the benefits of their program, as they should. My DS's score may have been completely fair for that particular...
  5. T

    AROTC Question - PMS Interview Weight

    Thanks for that detailed response and certainly tons of great insights in it. I suspect the results were not favorable based on his ROO's reaction and desire to address it, but you're correct we didn't get any specific feedback. I actually never specifically asked if he wasn't endorsed, but...
  6. T

    AROTC Question - PMS Interview Weight

    My Sr. has a 3.7, max PFT, strong sports/extracurriculars, but 1100 SAT and a slightly negative PMS interview. PMS was over Zoom with a local school but when asked, he said he had his heart set elsewhere, they focused the remainder of the interview on selling him on why he should stay in state...