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  • Wow! Another Girl who wants to go to West Point? Amazing! All my other friends at school or other kids are like why the military? It's really cool to meet someone who has the same goal as i do.
    You sound a lot like me. I would love to chat sometime. I have found the site to be a huge help in the month that I have been on here, a huge encouragement (my mom doesn't agree when I won't get my schoolwork done), and I have learned a lot. Let me know if you have any questions or would just like to talk.

    Also, thanks for joining my social group, USMA 2020 Hopefuls. It is nice to know that I am not the only one on here that is c/o 2020. If you need any help I am learning who is a huge help and very willing, and who to steer away from. Anyway, I would love to talk sometime, and let me know if there is anything I can help with.

    In Him,
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