Replying to this thread everyday until an appointment/rejection

ok Now I have a question with these TWE's and forgive me if it was answered .....Do those come by mail or portal? How nerve racking . I guess thank goodness for no news as of yet. I will cross my fingers for everyone to get BFEs
ok Now I have a question with these TWE's and forgive me if it was answered .....Do those come by mail or portal? How nerve racking . I guess thank goodness for no news as of yet. I will cross my fingers for everyone to get BFEs
You will see “turned down” where the pending status on your portal was. From what I have heard they don’t send TWE’s in the mail anymore, but you’ll probably also get an email.
Yes… I know there is a day where mass TWE’s go out… I have seen some (2 today), but not like a huge wave like the C/O ‘27 had. This waiting is really sucky and I just want to know where I’m gonna end up, but we’re over the first week of March already, and next week will be the middle of March! So news is going to come soon and time has been going by somewhat fast….
Really? Where are you seeing these TWE’s? There’s only two other people in my area applying to USNA and none of us have heard anything.
ok Now I have a question with these TWE's and forgive me if it was answered .....Do those come by mail or portal? How nerve racking . I guess thank goodness for no news as of yet. I will cross my fingers for everyone to get BFEs
its a catch phrase used for the old school "Thin White Envelope" to tell you admission has been denied. They do it electronically now.
HOWEVER..... as we learned TWEs are also actual TWEs to give you official waiver is granted information months after waiver was actually granted on portal!!!
Boy, seems pretty quiet right now! Here’s hoping they are gearing up for lots of decisions in March. I hope it’s good news for everyone! Honestly, I’m ok w/ a decision either way. Yes, a “no” is a little defeating but there is also some excitement and relief with moving on even to your Plan B. Good luck 🍀 everyone!
Really? Where are you seeing these TWE’s? There’s only two other people in my area applying to USNA and none of us have heard anything.
I saw two people post today that they received a TWE. I’m the only person I know of in my area applying to USNA. I know there is probably more, but I don’t know them 😅 my friend whose been in contact with admissions because they got a foundation offer, the head guy for that told them that admissions is quite behind this year so hopefully some news soon 🤞🏼
Yep! Every year has its quirks. March 12th was what was reported last year for the big wave of rejections, but then again, every year is different. Just gotta keep our fingers crossed! As someone else here said, every day that passes is a day closer to getting news.
April 12th
I saw two people post today that they received a TWE. I’m the only person I know of in my area applying to USNA. I know there is probably more, but I don’t know them 😅 my friend whose been in contact with admissions because they got a foundation offer, the head guy for that told them that admissions is quite behind this year so hopefully some news soon 🤞🏼
lol funny enough I know the head of the scholarship/foundation program at usna. Hes friends with my uncle lol
Having good form is paramount for lessening injuries during indoc summers should you receive an appointment. Also good, professionally fitted running shoes.

#SoapBox, stepping down 📦
1000009381.jpgFor the first time in my life, I think I pushed myself way too hard. Ended up almost passing out and puking after the run. No regrets. No matter what it takes, I'm going to the academy.
View attachment 15566For the first time in my life, I think I pushed myself way too hard. Ended up almost passing out and puking after the run. No regrets. No matter what it takes, I'm going to the academy.
LOL I had the same experience my scores are around yours and my gym teacher said it was the first time he had ever seen a student throw up while running.