Terrified of getting kicked out due to PEA


New Member
Apr 8, 2024
I’m currently a 3 deg, just barely under the 2.0 mark after taking Water Survival and I’m unbelievably stressed about getting disenrolled.

I understand this may be premature, but my PFT score is usually barely above a 250 and I’ve only gotten points on the AFT once.

I’m going down to RECONDO 4 days a week instead of just the required 2 and am running on my own outside of that. It’s basically consumed my life and is my #1 priority but I’m improving very slowly. Is there anything else I can be doing? I am also tracking what I eat and eating healthy/prioritizing protein and good hydration. Any tips or experiences would be appreciated. I’m nervous about approaching commitment when I don’t even know if I’ll be able to graduate
USAFA is hard and isn’t for everyone that is why they give you two years to figure out if it AND the real Air Force is for you. Take a deep breath and make sure this is what you really want. Talk it over with your friends and maybe your AOC. If you come to the conclusion that it is then continue the path. Keep working out but get those grades up. Remember C’s get degrees. Concentrate on your everyday homework and study your ass off for GR’s. Get in some study groups for your classes if you haven’t already. May help to see how others prepare. I wish you the best and keep on keeping on.
I'd say keep doing what you are doing, keep at the grind and lean on your wingmen when you need to, whether that's asking your recondo NCOs for advice or just talking to other people in squad about fitness tips. Also, I know you said you're watching your food intake, maybe talk with the nutritionist to get a formal plan.
Well, first what are your physical strengths and weaknesses? How can you improve on both? It sounds like running is really lowering your scores. Have you talked with a running coach? (Someone who actually understands the science on improvement in running form and endurance?). You mentioned diet--have you met with the nutritionist to see what you can do to improve?