Leadership Experience suggestions

Feb 27, 2024
I would love to get a list of suggestions for leadership experience that my DS can work toward so that he can put these on his application. I feel like he has some limited leadership experience but maybe he needs more? All suggestions welcome, thank you :)
All sports but shoot for the highest level, team captain is a plus. Boys / Girls state. School student president / VP. Starting a new club activity at school or elsewhere. Boy / Girl Scout shoot for Eagle. JROTC …….
I think the list is endless. I tell my students to build relationship inside their teams, clubs, churches, etc., and then volunteer to head-up projects, or similar kinds of endeavors. Some positions are obvious, such as CAP commander or team captain. Others might be teaching vacation bible school this summer, heading up the car wash to raise funds for a club, etc. I ask student to move outside of their 'comfort zone' to find these opportunities or even to create them. I'm sure others on the Forum will add some more ideas.
Junior Firefighter, lifeguard, teaching swim lessons, work leader, camp counselor, NYLT staff, all have leadership aspects
I did a beach lifeguarding job over the summer which was great, definitely look into it if you live on the coast, or even if you don’t. The job was over a hour away from where I live during the school year and I got special permission to rent at 17 and lived away from home the summer going into senior year for 3 months. Wrote about it on my essay, as it was very physically demanding and I was in phenomenal shape from all the workouts we did. You’re also a leader on the beach in charge of other peoples safety/ shows responsibility. Payed well too. Boys state was the best week of my life I highly reccomend. Almost went to boys nation but fell short. I didn’t try as hard as I should have. Shoot for the top! My biggest advice for something like that is to always run for those top positions and you never know what may happen. I went in pretty anxious and came out a week later as a better leader.
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