Bringing $100 on I Day


5-Year Member
Mar 19, 2011
I read somewhere to bring $100 cash to use later in the summer. If the upperclassmen take away our bags, do we keep the cash on us or do we keep it in the bag? I've heard things get lost sometimes so I am curious to how this works. Is it better to bring a debit card instead?

ThAnK yOu!
Sent DS with 100 last year for the baseball game and usually get one trip to the Mid store. (all companies differ though). He just kept it on him during I Day. If you put it in your bag, probably won't get it back! Enjoy your last few weeks! And remember, you can do anything. YOu wouldn't be going to USNA if folks didn't think that you could do it! They can't stop time over plebe summer and they can't hurt you (except with sore muscles from exercise)! Best of luck.
And by the way, DS didn't need all of that money. He used it at the beginning of AC year for the dreaded "boards". But, I digress....