Scholarship is waiting on

Update: my son was able to meet with the President and he made the call to Larry Mullen to find out his status. And it is not good. He was denied due to the concussions in 8th grade. This seems crazy since his waiver was granted in his prior DoDMerb that expired and it was the exact same application. He explained that each year the threshold can change based on new science. So he will lose his scholarship and also not be able to go to Fort Knox this summer for basic. He also will have to figure out if he can even stay at Norwich...I'm heartbroken for him.
That’s CRAZY!
My son had a mild concussion in January or February of this year and I think he disclosed it on his DODMERB. Is he at risk of being disqualified?
They will likely ask for information.
My son had to get records from the hospital for a concussion that occurred when he was 12.