anxiousness leading up to medical exam

Do you swallow this stuff? If not, then it IS topical. Probably just a "typo" on your part, but I wanted to point it out as an example of the great care you must take when answering questions. Errors typing or orally can get you in trouble.

What I meant to say was topical steroids. The gold bond stuff is not a steroid, it's just a moisturizer. Until now, I thought topical meant steroid. :oops2:
The topical steroid is a corticosteroid such as hydrocortisone. That can be bought OTC and is commonly used for itchy places. Don't use it on a fungus though as it will cause it to flourish.
During your eye exam (separate from the med), if you need clarification on what they are asking you, be sure to ask questions.

Okay thanks. My doctor said i have 20/13 vision which is way better eyesight than average. What else do they look at with eyes?
20/13, that's near the bottom of the Snellen chart. I did a visual acuity on a patient once and asked him to read the bottom-most line on the chart.
He said, "Made in Taiwan"