AROTC acceptance question


5-Year Member
Jun 20, 2017
DS found out last night he was awarded a AROTC scholarship. As I understand he always accepts the scholarship but does he also have to indicate which school of the 3 he would like to attend? We have 4 very involved kidos and much as we planned to do college visits it was harder than expected to find the time. We did manage to visit 1 of the 3 but we kept saying lets wait till you actually find out if the others are selected. Can you accept the scholarship and choose the school later, or does it have to be done at the same time? will receive a letter of instructions with the offer that will answer your question. Bottom line is you have to accept one of the offers by the deadline. If you subsequently change your mind or don’t get accepted to that school there is a transfer request process where you can ask to use your application at another school.
I just checked my portal for fun, and I won a four year scholarship in first board for Standford, Duke, and American, my top three choices. I never played sports, never did student council or class officer. I also didn’t get an email or notification from ROTC scholarship. This sounds like a dumb question, but is this real?
Yep. It’s real. You might have to learn the government ways and that they, at times, aren’t always the most logical or due dates change. This summer my daughter was ready for the DODMERB physical and it took a month to finally have their website work.