PMS letter to help push waiver through?


5-Year Member
Mar 25, 2016
Title explains itself. Will my PMS writing a letter on my behalf to help push my waiver through for USMA help any?
Title explains itself. Will my PMS writing a letter on my behalf to help push my waiver through for USMA help any?

IMHO, provide the information requested by the SA or DoDMERB -- nothing more, nothing less. A letter from your PMS will likely have no impact on securing a medical waiver.
The Doctor who reviews your waiver may very well resent a PMS inserting himself in a medical issue.
Some Doctors are like that.
Send what they ask for.
Ask your DoDMERB technician before including anything not requested. They are very helpful.
It may help depending on the condition and the Academy. I would suggest that your PMS send the letter directly to admissions and have it specifically address how the condition has not affected your performance at ROTC. DoDMERB has nothing to do with granting a waiver. A LTC speaking directly to the condition cannot hurt anything.
I have concluded that I will not send a letter. Thanks for all the advice everyone!