Prior service DODMERB waiver for VA Disability?


New Member
Mar 27, 2019
Backstory, tried to go to OCS after undergrad and was DQ'd from MEPS before I had been re-evaluated from VA or before I had any documentation from the VA about my diagnosis. Decided to pursue a Masters and ROTC.

I was diagnosed with Adjustment Disorder from the VA but was quick to re-evaluated and removed. Once I found out what the VA diagnosed me with I reached out to get re-evaluated. As the VA does it took almost 2 years to get re-evaluated and to have it removed.

According to the DoDI: "History of a single adjustment disorder if treated or symptomatic within the previous 6 months, or any history of chronic (lasting longer than 6 months) or recurrent episodes of adjustment disorders" is DQ able.

I was never ever treated, never took medication, and honestly didnt know or understand what I was being evaluated for.

(when you sep the VA tells you to write down anything that has bothered you, and I had some issues sleeping due to high caffeine intake.) I told them this and they sat me down with a shrink and I just complained about my job and the stress of separating and BOOM 30%.

I had it removed and told them I never should have been diagnosed, but the VA of course will refuse to say they misdiagnosed me. My un diagnosis says I am fine and have no issues.

Anyways, back to the DoDI. The reason I am concerned ill get a DQ and have to get a waiver is because I initially tried to go to OCS and was DQ'd at MEPS. I was however, DQ'd at meps before the VA would release my documentation about my diagnosis and before I had been re-evaluated.

Even if this was an issue it was shorter than 6 months, I was never treated, and never received medication. Can anyone help me or answer these questions? I just submitted my remedial paperwork to DODMERB and I am scared they will DQ me and then not approve a waiver. I HAVE NO DIAGNOSIS, AND FEEL I SHOULDNT EVEN BE DQ'D. I know that it doesnt matter what I think, and will prob get DQ'd anyways.

Sorry this is all over the place. Just super passionate about it. Thanks if you read it all and thanks in advance if you can help me.