Flying Hoverboards


10-Year Member
Feb 10, 2010
First off, this is obviously very cool.

My question is how do you all see this being practical or being used in a military application. To me it looks like a flying duck during hunting season, maybe if they have "Sky Cammo"?

"If the question is do I think I will sell this to special forces all over the world, the answer is yes. When? I don't know," says Zapata.
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

I wonder how noisy it is.
Actually would it be beneficial in sending troops up and back down a mountain side quickly. Thinking Afghanistan terrain.
No kidding. Just one round of 12 ga. #8 shot in the leg is going to make that guy fall to his death.
Box of 25 rounds: $6.50. "I can do this all day". ;)
OK, so you'd fly at night. And fine, tiny fuel capacity so you'd need a personal dirigible to tow behind you with more gas and gear. And it's loud, so not stealth so much as swarm tactics. But it would be kind of cool.