Plebes Dropping Already

If one believes his description of his tenure at USNA, John McCain might be the subject of at least one case study. One could conclude that his challenging of authority and loyalty to his friends while a mid, was an indicator of his tenure as a POW.
I think he graduated last or near last in his class and the reputation that earned him his call sign was started at the academy.
If one believes his description of his tenure at USNA, John McCain might be the subject of at least one case study. One could conclude that his challenging of authority and loyalty to his friends while a mid, was an indicator of his tenure as a POW.
Not just his description. He was well known throughout many in his class for not conforming and also being very far down in the class rank - near the anchorman. He continued this during his early JO days as well.

As an Ensign, my first assignment was as a coach during plebe summer and through an involved turn of events, ended up as the only new grad Ensign at a dinner part with a bunch of CDR and CAPT ex-POWs in one of the houses across from Worden field. When they discovered that I was to be a SWO, they spent much of the evening trying to "convert" me and I was dazzled just listening to them. John McCain was one of folks there and over the years, I was lucky enough to meet up with him at various events with the last happening when both of our sons were mids.

I digress but when I was an Ensign at that first party, a not-insignificant part of the night was them telling McCain stories and him trying to keep a straight face.
I digress but when I was an Ensign at that first party, a not-insignificant part of the night was them telling McCain stories and him trying to keep a straight face.

In his book, Faith Of My Fathers, he describes going to a fancy type cocktail party with other JO's and their proper wives. His date was a stripper who tended to her fingernails with a switchblade.
I like it. It sounds made up, but I like it.
I like some things that are made up .... I am really sad, even depressed to this day, that Walter White (Heisenberg), died in the final episode of Breaking Bad.

I’ll help Vince Gilligan write a sequel where Walter’s ghost haunts Jesse Pinkman .... I’m struggling for more.
Ugh! I was gonna start binging that this weekend!
The series is worth watching several times ... It’s captivating and incredible.

“Wanna’ Cook”

The irony is that you’re pulling for the schmuck, Walter White, and he’s the worst of the worst of criminals.
Makes me wonder: Would it be eight, at this same point, under normal circumstances? I’m guessing yes. Because based on what DD has told me — and what others here have said — plebes quit not because Plebe Summer is really tough, but because they didn’t really want to be there anyway.

So whether it’s ROM or it’s way too much forward leaning rest in the hot and muggy P-way, these eight were probably goners anyway. And for their own sake, that’s probably a good thing.
I don’t believe ‘normally’ they are allowed to
Leave so early. It technically is only the end of week #1. As I understand (through academy insider podcasts, etc), they normally process through tango company, which happens later in the training.

I’m surprised they are letting them go so soon. They haven’t even done any training yet. They have literally only sat in their rooms.
When does the 2024 Class Portrait get released, and what will the class size show ... fewer than 1185?
I like some things that are made up .... I am really sad, even depressed to this day, that Walter White (Heisenberg), died in the final episode of Breaking Bad.

I’ll help Vince Gilligan write a sequel where Walter’s ghost haunts Jesse Pinkman .... I’m struggling for more.
Where was the spoiler alert? Well, you saved me 4 seasons I guess.
I saw in informed delivery we have 2 letters from our plebe today, hoping to hear he has designed some means of working out in his room, maybe acquired a roomie and is looking forward to the 'real plebe summer' activities. Sorry to hear another may have determined it wasn't for them.
The Midshipmen Information System currently counts 1188 plebes, which I think is slightly below the norm for before training starts. I’ve heard that quite a few really want out, but policy is they can’t resign until about a week into training. (Exceptions usually only made for safety concerns or if a plebe is insubordinate.) I think it’s just angst making them question their choices. Like I mentioned, most of them will get over it and decide that they have what it takes. Some will realize that their heart isn’t in it. USNA will honor whatever choice the Plebe makes, providing them ample counseling from chaplains, clinical psychologists, upperclass mids, senior enlisted leaders, and officers going all the way up to the Plebe Summer OIC and the Commandant of Midshipmen. The checkout process takes about a week and they can withdraw their resignation at any time up until their departure.