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  • Ok, I will ask but it may take him a while to get back to me. I'll pass along what he tells me.
    You'd prefer club rowing at USMA to D1 rowing at Navy?
    While I would love rowing at the competitive level that Navy offers, there are more important factors (for me) about a Service Academy than rowing. I have the desire to lead my country as an EOD Officer, but realize that I may have a new career interest after being at the academy. In the Army, there is a plethora of career paths that I would not mind acting as an officer in, such as an Infantry and Engineering.
    If you could please ask your son, what is the typical 2K time for a 1st Varsity Oarsman? (Thank you for all of your information!! It's been very very helpful)
    Thank you for all of your help! I have talked with USNA heavyweight coaching staff and was offered a "blue chip"/recruitment, but am waiting until I hear back from USMA Admissions. I hope to meet your son next year on the team if I'm accepted :)
    also need to meet the academy's physical fitness requirements. Our son backed off on erging toward the end of his senior year and upped
    The Naval Academy does recruit. You should prepare for college rowing as you always have been--erg, erg,erg and lift weights. OTOH, you
    crew powerhouse. I don't believe USMA recruits for club sports. If you want to row at a competitive/Olympic level, you should apply to USNA
    VelveteenCadet reports that USMA rowing is not competitive like it would be at a D1 school or as it was at his boarding school which was a
    I saw your message earlier commenting on how your son is a rower. Is he on the USMA Men's Club Team? I am a fellow rower, and it would be great to receive some insight from a cadet who is able to balance the rigorous courseload with numerous rowing practices. Thank you!
    Yes, he's on the men's club team. He rowed for four years at his boarding school and did learn to strike a good balance between crew and schoolwork. He is finding the academics at USMA to be a bit easier than his boarding school, but he still has to be careful with time management. If you row, you know what a relentless, time-consuming sport it is. West Point recognizes that,
    so the rowers get a few perks and some special handling.
    I appreciate your informative response! Would you as a parent, or your son have any tips on preparing for USMA rowing, and is it possible to be recruited by USMA Crew? I do not know if it being a club team, if cadets can be recruited. (I currently row a 1:32.3 500m split, or a 6:09.2 overall 2K)
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