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  • I was following your comments on your DS IB experience with admissions. My DS is 2nd year IB. Will you please explain what you meant about some classes not recognized by na, compared to AP classes? I know it's been asked MANY times but what is your observation with IB vs. AP?
    Thank You!
    Hello, just read your reply on my thread “Academic Advice.” Sounds great that the IB Diploma prepares well for USNA. If you don’t mind me asking, what extracurriculars did your son/daughter do in order to get in? I feel like I am academically competitive but I need to work on my extracurriculars/ everything that is not academics. Thanks in advance.
    My son was a varsity wrestler and an all-conference (but not recruited) pitcher, NHS, Eagle Scout (with lots of leadership), worked >10 hrs a week, and was on the staff of his Boy Scout Council's National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) program.
    Was he recruited for wrestling? And also, my school does not offer HL math, so I’m stuck in SL. If I tell USNA this in my application, do you think they’ll take that into account? If there was an HL, I’d take it in a heartbeat. Thanks
    If you take the highest offered by your school you will be fine. He was not a recruited athlete.
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