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  • Move Request

    Would you mind moving my CFA Progress Thread post (currently in "Off Topic") to the USAFA forum? My post has content specifically related to AFA and I think it would be appropriate there.
    Will look....
    I don't have the ability to move it. I would recommend copying it and deleting it and then pasting it into the USAFA thread.
    Hi Dr. Mom. I have a question regarding service time , following commission from WP, and was directed to you by another SA member. My DD is months from commissioning, and will report to FT Stewart for BOLC in late July. When does the clock start running on their commitment?
    Goat 965
    Goat 965
    When they commission? When they report to BOLC? She reports in July, but I know of classmates that don't report until later, some even in 2023!
    The day they graduate. The clock starts as soon as they commission. They are active duty.
    If they commissioned through ROTC, the clock wouldn't start until they reported to BOLC (usually)...
    But for USMA graduates it is the day they graduate.
    They will get promoted 18 months.
    Hope that helps!
    Also, there is not BOLC at Ft Stewart. That might be the first post. The BOLC is determined by their branch of service.
    Infantry and Armor go to Ft. Benning.
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