Search results

  1. J

    AP Bio or AP Physics B

    DS had no AP Chem option at his school. He took AP Bio bc his school would let him take AP Physics until after he had pre-Calc. (He ended up with a 5 on AP Bio exam, a 36 on science section of ACT and an 800 on SAT 2 in Bio - none of which were sent to Navy for application purposes because...
  2. J

    senior course choice

    @jcullligan DS in the same boat (no pun intended). HS doesn't offer AP Chem but took Honors chem, AP Physics, AP Calc, AP Bio and some other English and History AP's. As long as you are taking the hard classes that your school offers you should be good. Do well on SATs. I think that is HUGE...
  3. J

    Appointment? Downsizing?

    DS was told at NASS last June that class size would be decreasing soon. Said other SA's were already beginning to implement smaller class sizes. This info wasn't verified by me tho so I can't be positive about it. Glad it wasn't this year! DS has recvd appointment already.
  4. J

    Should I pursue Liberal Arts or STEM classes in High School.

    You should do what you like and will do well in while trying to take the most challenging courses you can at your school. DS had AP classes but no other "engineering" type classes compared to his public school counterparts. He did well, went to USNA STEM after freshman year and did an...
  5. J

    Appointment Mailing

    DS received his noms on the portal on dec 3 and 5. Calls from MOCs dec 12 (on our way to army navy game!) and 2 more this week. Just waiting for the BFE!!!
  6. J

    Candidate visitation weekend

    Anyone know if juniors are eligible for the CVWs? My son got an invitation but doesn't have 50% of his application complete although he did apply and get accepted to NASS. Thinking maybe the email invite was in error? How could he have 50% complete when the app isn't even available till April 1?
  7. J

    Summer Seminar 2014

    My son sent his application about a week after it was available. He received his acceptance last Tuesday for session 3. Rolling admissions is great!! Just get yours in ASAP...keep checking the college board site. They post there before you get your email or letter. Usually within three weeks...