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  1. S

    ROTC + other scholarships

    You should apply for as many as you can. It never hurts. The issue with some schools, such as Texas Tech, is that they cap the amount of aid you can receive at the cost-of-attendance (room, board, certain expenses). Meaning ... If you receive multiple scholarships along with other forms of...
  2. S

    Dropping classes - ROTC and academies

    The more rigor the better, as classes go. The tradeoff is GPA. If you think your GPA will be adversely affected, might be worth to drop/switch classes. I don't regard the AB/BC discussion in the same light as dropping a whole subject like AP chemistry. You might consider taking a class that...
  3. S

    Reduction in Award for the Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program

    My DS received notification from his APAS that the Texas Legislature will reduce the amount awarded TASSP recipients by an as of now unknown amount. My DS was advised to plan accordingly. The TASSP link on the hhloans website states that the Coordinating Board will determine the new award...
  4. S

    Marijuana Use AFROTC?

    I would contact the POC at the 866 number on the website. They would be able to help you update your application. The earlier in the process the better. The website also says you can withdraw your application at any time. Given that, you may be able to withdraw your initial application and...
  5. S

    Marijuana Use AFROTC?

  6. S

    ROTC and Private loans and SCRA

    Start paying off the loan while in school. You can make payments on the interest for example. Look at other scholarships as well. My DS applied for and received additional scholarships which defrayed nearly all the cost of attendance at his university. If your DS can get a ROTC scholarship, I...
  7. S

    Foolish things people say about ROTC, as high school ends

    Ignorance abounds everywhere be it towards the military, police, clergy ... Even lawyers get a bad rap (I know it's hard to believe). Point is you can choose to educate or you can choose to say to each his own. You can choose to ignore or you can choose to chastise. I have done each and each...
  8. S

    Where do you take the nrotc scholarship PT test?

    As has already been pointed out (I think), a coach and phys ed instructor may administer. Also, a JROTC instructor (any service) and an Admissions Liaison Officer (USAFA position) or other service academy equivalent may administer.
  9. S

    NROTC essay tips?

    Great start, but you bury the lead! The second paragraph has the really good stuff. The first paragraph really doesn't fit as well as it could with the second. The first paragraph is sort of choppy and goes off in a few different dirctions. Tighten it up and build a smooth, logical transition...
  10. S

    NROTC essay introduction?

    Agree with Sigma4. You have to have a central theme. Most importantly, what you write has to display a passion and desire that distinguishes you. For his TASSP essay my DS talked about the experience he had growing up in a military family and the struggles of having to adapt to a transient...