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  1. M

    Parental advice for parents of Class of 2021

    Some people came in weeks earlier. I am not sure if there is a benefit. USAFA does a good job in helping the cadets get acclimated during BCT. We came in the day before and just dropped them off. We stayed a few days after and were able to catch lots of photos at the wall.
  2. M

    Parental advice for parents of Class of 2021

    @Badfinger Cadets will have to set up an account with Armed Forces bank. Instructions will be a part of your inprocessing package. Most cadets open up a USAA account after A day, move their money and close the Armed Forces account. This is just for direct deposit. They can keep their current...
  3. M


    Your cadet will receive an informational packet that will outline this stuff. The list will be very short. Underwear, vneck t-shirts, boots, personal hygiene items and some cash (I think I got most of it :-)). Everything else should stay home and sent/brought to them for A day.
  4. M

    Parental advice for parents of Class of 2021

    DaretoDream, this is an amazing comprehensive list. Here are a few more things that I would add. Book your airline tickets and hotels early. Try to use an airline that allows you to exchange your tickets if situations change (because they most always do). Book parents weekend lodging asap...
  5. M

    USAFA appointee Facebook page?

    It is really for the parents. There are cadet pages that usually pop up around March.
  6. M

    USAFA appointee Facebook page?

    There is a USAFA Parents Facebook page. One for each incoming class and one for all parents in general. Just search USAFA Class of 2021 Parents Group or USAFA Parent Resource These are great resources.
  7. M

    USAFA Class of 2021 Appointments

    Actually I have to change my signature block. My DS had appointments to all 3 last year. He is class of 2020 and is now at USAFA :-). Thanks for the heads up.
  8. M

    Blankets, Pillows, Mattress Pads

    After recognition they are allowed to have their own bedding. They have to remove it for SAMI's, but are allowed to use it day to day. You may receive a phone call from your C4C's coach sometime in Feb or March. They will ask you to send civilian clothes, anything special your cadet may like to...
  9. M

    Appointment predicament

    My son was in the same predicament last year. Naval LOA in October, MOC to USAFA in November, Appointment to USCGA in December and Acceptance to USAFA in Jan and Superintendent Nomination to USNA in Jan. Do not stress, do not accept until the deadline. This way you can weigh all of your options...
  10. M

    Does the Academy notify MOC's when LOA given out

    It cannot hurt to give them a heads up. My DS had an LOA to USNA last year. One MOC knew, and the other two did not. He did bring a copy of the LOA with him to each interview to let them know (just in case). Your DD may want to email a copy to your MOC just in case,
  11. M


    Congrats on the LOA! Remember to let your congressman know that you have an LOA when you go in for the interview. Sometimes they know, sometimes they do not.
  12. M

    Class rank unweighted or weighted?

    They ask for class rank and GPA. You school should calculate rank via weighted class and grade. USAFA will also ask for unweighted GPA.
  13. M


    My understanding is that they line up by height with the tallest in the front. Not sure why they would move someone from the front to the back?
  14. M

    class of 2020 - bringing or not bringing boots?

    DD is class of 2019 it was not "highly recommended" for her so we did not bring any. DS is class of 2020, it is "highly recommended" so he will be bringing his.
  15. M

    Worth joining?

    We bought lifetime family plan. Worth every penny for WebGuy access.
  16. M

    Bringing siblings to parents' weekend?

    definitely bring them if you can. We will be bringing our little ones. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins like to come too :-)
  17. M

    USAFA Class of 2020 Appointment Thread

    I agree with Amy my DD got her appointment last year in October and I did not find this site until this year. DS was anxious and started googling questions and found this site. Thanks to all of the moderators who volunteer their time to make this site possible.
  18. M

    "Highly Recommended Boots"

    My son normally wears a regular shoe. However in timberland boots he wears a narrow so I just went with that :-)
  19. M

    "Highly Recommended Boots"

    My DD is C4C and her appointee book was different than my DS (class of 2020). In her book it was suggested. This year it has been upgraded to "Highly Recommended" in all caps and bold lettering. So it looks like that changes the recommendation for class of 2020.
  20. M

    "Highly Recommended Boots"

    My DS wears a size 15 tennis shoe. We ordered a 15N and they fit perfectly (Belleville 690)