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    Appointee Tour 4/18

    I hope you all make it! we were fortunate enough to get out on friday afternoon before they started cancelling flights. there is a lot of snow, but the roads all seem very driveable - very wet and slushy, but don't seem to be a problem. supposed to snow more but get warmer (a little) tomorrow...
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    Bringing siblings to parents' weekend?

    thank you all for your replies! really helpful.
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    Bringing siblings to parents' weekend?

    I am making reservations for my first parents weekend and wondering if families typically bring siblings to attend or not? Are siblings welcome? Thanks in advance for your guidance.
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    Wait listed

    Yes, still seeing "complete pending review" wondering when is the last date for notification? anybody know? there is another student at my DS's high school that has been accepted and has not made her decision yet. wondering if USNA is waiting to see what she does b/f making a decision about DS.
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    AFA Admissions Advisor

    xeon - thanks for the offer of help! what is your advice for best understanding the opportunities that cadets will have immediately following their graduation? And, how best to understand the linkage - or not - between what a student chooses to major in and their opportunities immediately...
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    Punching Out: Reflections on USAFA and 7 years on Active Duty

    thanks for your thoughtful and useful reflection on your time at USAFA and the Air Force. the suggestions for making the most of your time while at USAFA are really helpful. thanks
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    USAFA Class of 2020 Appointment Thread

    1. kmlDad2020 DS 12/14/2015, Senator & MOC dist.9, CA 2. Replevin DD 12/17/2015 call from Sen Nelson's office, FL 3. FalconsRock DD 12/17/2015, Presidential, Senator McCain and Rep Franks (Dist. 8 AZ) 4. Dallas1 DS 12/23/2015, MOC Nom, FL 5. Cezme DD 12/17/2015, US Representative, VA's 8th...
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    Thoughts for Appointees and their Family from a 2019 parent

    thank you for the information. very helpful and new info. greatly appreciated. please add other thoughts if you think of them!
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    Intel coming out of USNA vs. USAFA?

    usnabgo08 - thanks for helping me to better understand the situation. much appreciated.
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    Intel coming out of USNA vs. USAFA?

    NavyHoops, thank you greatly for all of the information and links to earlier threads on this topic.
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    Intel coming out of USNA vs. USAFA?

    the thread below is a discussion of intel in the air force vs. the army. I am wondering if anybody here is able to add their perspective on intel in the air force vs. the navy? thanks for the intel :)...
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    One DODMERB used across Academies?

    Thank you kinnem! appreciate the additional clarification.
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    One DODMERB used across Academies?

    thanks md403! He'll reach out to the USNA to confirm.
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    One DODMERB used across Academies?

    My DS had his DODMERB for his USAFA application. It does not appear that the results were sent to the USNA. Does DS have to wait for paperwork on a 2nd DODMERB specific to his Naval application? If not, how does he ensure that the results are sent to the USNA? Thank you in advance!
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    Partnering with your ALO?

    Mike - thanks again for the additional information and color you provided on the ALO's role. Steve, thank you as well for jumping in and sharing your perspective and the joy you receive from seeing "your candidates" succeed. I can only imagine how fulfilling that must feel and certainly...
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    Partnering with your ALO?

    christcorp - thank you very much for the honest, thorough and fast reply. Your response has made it very clear what the role of the ALO is and is not.
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    Class of 2018 Female, happy to answer questions

    thanks for the quick and helpful response!
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    Class of 2018 Female, happy to answer questions

    Do all air force students have a burning desire to fly? Is the air force a poor decision if you are interested in other career options the air force offers, but not particularly interested in flying?
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    Partnering with your ALO?

    What advice can you provide about partnering with your ALO throughout the application process? For instance, would it be "appropriate" to share your essays with your ALO before submitting them? Can you discuss the live interview process with your ALO prior to going through the interview...