Search results

  1. K

    Human Growth Hormone

    DS was prescribed human growth hormone as a junior in high school due to delayed puberty and short stature. He stopped taking the medication in the first quarter of his senior year. He had reached an appropriate height and had started to develop appropriately by that time. He then received an...
  2. K

    Medical waiver question for cadet already participating in AROTC

    I posted this on the DoDMERB forum as well, but thought I would post it here as well to see if anyone might have navigated through this problem before.... DS was evaluated for delayed puberty and short stature while a sophomore, and was treated by an endocrinologist for that as a junior and...
  3. K

    Waiver request for one already participating in AROTC

    DS was evaluated for delayed puberty and short stature while a sophomore, and was treated by an endocrinologist for that as a junior and senior in high school. The treatment included about 9 months of prescribed HGH shots. He participated in varsity soccer, and a club sport while senior and he...
  4. K

    Status: complete-hold

    This is our first time on the roller coaster, but maybe knowing DS' timeline will help.... Late November 2013: apply to USMMA Mid December 2013: medical exam for DoDMERB Early January 2014: exam sent to DoDMERB Mid January: Exam Reviewed at DoDMERB and DQ letter...
  5. K

    Status: complete-hold

    Is the scholarship for the upcoming fall 2014-Spring 2015 academic year? Sent using the Service Academy Forums® mobile app
  6. K

    Application Fees

    Try to use the Common Application, if your school accepts it, because many schools will waive the fee if you use it instead of a paper app. I think the website is Sent using the Service Academy Forums® mobile app
  7. K

    AROTC 4 year scholarship

    I agree with Strength and Honor's comments. DS struggled with ACT as well. He raised his "super score" to a 24 (from a 19) after taking the test 5 times. Keep at it. We also recommend a book called "The ACT for Bad Test Takers". Read it. Practice the strategy. It works. Sent using...
  8. K

    Seeking a waiver: is passing APFT score relevant?

    DS is seeking a waiver so he can attend college on an AROTC scholarship. He easily passed his first APFT test at school this month. Is that something we should share with DoDMERB? Sent using the Service Academy Forums® mobile app
  9. K


    DS's stats were 24 ACT, 3.85 GPA in an honors curriculum, 2 yrs JV soccer and 1 yr Varsity soccer on team that went to state championship. He received a 3 yr AD AROTC to a very good regional private school. He struggled with the ACT..took it 5 times. I recommend reading "The ACT for Bad...
  10. K

    Disappointing News - Next Steps?

    If i recall correctly, the tuition for the private military colleges that the academy draws from in the scholars program is pretty significant. I am sure that the experience would be a great one, and I would say "full speed ahead" if someone else was paying the tuition. That was not going to...
  11. K

    A few questions if medically DQ from ROTC

    DS has received a 3 yr AD AROTC scholarship. :thumb: We are working on Plans B and C in the event that something comes up at DodMERB. He applied to the USMMA and was DQ'd for having a history of a pituitary dysfunction. (He was diagnosed with delayed puberty as a junior in HS, was...
  12. K

    Official rotc acceptance thread (all branches)

    49. DS of kpo, 3 yr Army, Xavier University Sent using the Service Academy Forums® mobile app
  13. K


    DS received an email letting him know to check his portal. Sent using the Service Academy Forums® mobile app
  14. K

    Should I be concerned that the AROTC app status is different on the 2 portals?

    Thanks, Strength and Honor.
  15. K

    Should I be concerned that the AROTC app status is different on the 2 portals?

    DS is applying for a 4 year AROTC scholarship. The "application status" tab of shows that he was boarded, but the other portal ( only shows that he has been selected for an interview. He interviewed months ago, and I suspect that Cadet...
  16. K

    Color Blindness

    Thanks, JMS. DS is also applying for Army ROTC scholarship, so we are glad to hear that the color vision issue may not be as great an obstacle to him there.
  17. K

    Color Blindness

    Justanotherperson: if you don't mind, please let us know how this ends up for you. DS wants to apply to USCGA, but has a similar issue. He cannot perceive many of the numbers on the Ishihara PIP color vision test. Frankly, he is not one of those people that is good at recognizing optical...
  18. K

    Application update

    DS had a similar experience in December. He did his interview in early December, but the PMS (or subordinate) did not send the report to Cadet Command until February, so he missed out on the January board. DS sent a few "reminder" emails, and the interview was eventually sent to Cadet Command...
  19. K

    In state tuition.

    My understanding is that a non-resident can pay in-state tuition to attend Virginia Tech if they enlist in the Virginia National Guard. The in-state tuition does not kick in until you complete basic training, however.
  20. K

    Great GPA, but 24 ACT. Is prep school a realistic option?

    DS wishes to attend one of the military service academies. He has done very well in high school, and has a cumulative CPA of 3.85 out of 4 (unweighted) while taking mainly honors, and a few advanced, classes. He has not taken AP classes. Unfortunately, his ACT scores are not as stellar as his...