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  1. L

    I have (quite) a few questions... :)

    Don't worry... I eat but I don't eat after 7:00 pm usually because I heard, that while asleep, your body stores most of the left over energy your body has. If my dad found out I wasn't eating after 1:00 I think I would get in big trouble. Thanks for that, though!
  2. L

    I have (quite) a few questions... :)

    Thanks, that helped me a lot! I actually went for a run today before I saw this. I ran a mile, did two minutes of push ups and did some crunches! I will be sore tomorrow... But, thanks again!
  3. L

    I have (quite) a few questions... :)

    Thanks for that! My immediate family isn't a Military family either. And you're right, I do have a lot of questions. And, actually I'm 17 so, it's crunch time when it comes to figuring out my college/future career plans!
  4. L

    I have (quite) a few questions... :)

    Thanks for all of your replies! Trust me, I am definitely ready for West Point, mentally at least. I just needed to know a few tips. For those of you trying to give me a reality check, thanks! Thinking about the Army excites me and I know there will be ups and downs. I think you guys took...
  5. L

    I have (quite) a few questions... :)

    I have already looked at almost everything i could about my hair at West Point so i think I'm covered with all of that stuff. My main concern is about showers. For females, what is it like, during Beast and as a cadet in general, when it comes to showers? A lot of people are also vague...