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    Official USAFA Class of 2016 Appointment thread

    I recieved my appointment yesterday (3/29/12). I had a Senatorial nomination from Pat Toomey and a Congressional nomination from Tod Platts. I live in PA
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    BCT Support Group

    I do understand that we probably won't be in the same squadron, I was thinking more along the lines of if anyone of us is having a particularly difficult time and are possibly thinking of quiting. Having someone there whom you have been telling all your reasons for going in the first place to...
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    BCT Support Group

    It is much easier to go into something as intimidating as BCT if you know some people before you get there. I wanted to create this thread to get some of the accepted students together to talk and get to know one another. Once we have some people together we could also move to facebook and...
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    Still Waiting? What's your info?

    I just got my acceptance today via portal change. My SAT scores are not as high as yours. I dont know about your extra curriculars but I think that's a big chunk of the decision process as well. But try to stay busy and distract yourself as much as possible until you get a notification. Thats...
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    Portal Update!

    My portal changed today too! it was quite a relief. Thank you so much for making this post because otherwise I wouldn't have checked right away!!
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    Class of 2016-Mailbox Stalkers Club

    portals are updated! I just recieved a notification of my appointment from my online portal. My status still hasnt changed but there is an email on the portal saying I have an appointment. What a long process!!! I'm so glad this wait is over. Check your portals everyone!!
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    Engineering in the Coast Guard

    Hey! I was just accepted to the Coast Guard Academy this week. I have also applied to the Air Force Academy (still waiting for a response). I want to earn a mechanical engineering degree and was thinking about specializing in areospace engineering. I was wondering if anyone could tell me a bit...
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    Class of 2016-Mailbox Stalkers Club

    Sundays Have Sundays become anyone else's leat favorite day of the week? Lol no mail on Sundays which means no chance of news :-( Also on an unrelated note does anyone mind defining some of the common acronyms used on this feed, even though I probably should know what they mean by now. :-)
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    Class of 2016-Mailbox Stalkers Club

    Got an acceptance letter from the Coast Guard Academy today! Still waiting for the Air Force Academy though... I will now be driving home everyday from school durring my lunch break to check the mail box, a little obsessive i know, but this decision is driving me crazy! Waiting is my least...
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    A Good/Competitive Back-Up Plan?

    I' m not exactly sure how Purdue is specifically but my back up plan is very similar to yours except with Penn State University. I am applying to USAFA this year and so far I have recieved an ROTC scholarship to Penn State. The fact that I have such a good alternative is making the wait for my...
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    Class of 2016-Mailbox Stalkers Club

    I am a very obsessed mailbox/inbox stalker. Everyday someone asks me what I’m doing next year... wish I could tell them! I'm sure you all have the same frustrations. I have told myself that at the end of this week I can start stalking "for real" because the app says "later part of March" and...
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    Class of 2016-Mailbox Stalkers Club

    online or mail? I'm not sure if this has already been asked on here, but will our admission decisions be posted on our online application before they show up in the mail? I have been stalking my online application for the past week.
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    Appointment today!

    Congratulations!!!! That is quite a speedy reply, did he get his application done really early?? Because the due date was only a couple weeks ago...
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    Why do you want to go the Air Force Academy?

    m1ndfr34k117;232278- I share many of your reasons for wanting to go to the Air Force Academy. I agree that the decision lies mostly in whether I want to live in full time military mode or have a more normal college experience. I am still a bit hung up on this point. More than anything I want to...
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    Diversity at USAFA

    cadethopeful, I have heard from several sources that Arabic is probably the most sought after language skill in the military right now. I am also applying to the AFA and I am considering specializing in Arabic while I'm there. Having that skill will help you serve in military missions in the...
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    Why do you want to go the Air Force Academy?

    I really appreciate all of your advice and input. If I get accepted in April then my family and I will take a trip out to Colorado Springs to see the Academy. I feel like seeing the Academy will help solidify my decision. I have only seen the campus through pictures and second-hand accounts so...
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    Why do you want to go the Air Force Academy?

    thanks for all of your responses! LFry94, i am worried about the sleep too, i don't function well on little sleep... but i guess that's just going to have to change. I am also a bit worried because I the first person in my family to join the military since WWII. So, I don't have much experience...
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    Hey! I am a senior in High school and I just finished my application to the Air Force Academy. I am applying to the AFA because I want to serve my country by being an officer in the Air Force. I think the Academy's strenuous curriculum will help me be the best leader I can be. I recently...
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    Why do you want to go the Air Force Academy?

    I just completed my application to the USAFA. Over this summer and fall I have been dead set on going to the Academy. But, just a few weeks ago I was offered an Air Force ROTC scholarship to Penn State University which covers full tuition. This alternative has thrown me off a bit although I...