Search results

  1. Q

    Who Will Be There?

    I will be there. I just got my appointment today. I intend to reply within a few days. (gotta sleep on it :) I am from Minnesota. Majoring either in Sys Eng or Econ. Havent decided. Maybe its just me, but is anyone else a little scared/nervous?
  2. Q

    Am I on track as a Competitive Candidate

    Your schedule and everything looks good. But honestly, you're missing the 2 major kickers in the admissions process. The WP admissions briefing says that 60% of the evaluation is based on your ACT/SAT and your GPA. You don't have an idea of what you're going to get on either. Make sure you...
  3. Q

    Medical disqualification 155.70

    Let me just start off by saying I have searched and read previous posts about this code but I would like some expert opinion about my own case, particularly from Mr. Mullen. I took my DODMBER physical 2 weeks ago. I have been DQed for 155.70 (myopia greater than -8.00 in spherical equivalent)...