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  1. M

    AFROTC EA stats

    Hey if you guys don't mind me asking. Can we specify the stats for foreign language majors and if possible which language in particular the cadet is studying? it's to my knowledge foreign language majors are some where in between techs and non-techs when it comes to who the AF really wants...
  2. M

    DoDmerb DQ

    With all do respect its not a medical evaluation and my neuro-evaluation does not diagnose me with aspergers. It merely points out I exhibit a couple mild characteristics. Please take no offense to my post. My father went through law shool so pointing out things to the exact detail runs in...
  3. M

    DoDmerb DQ

    Hey everyone, i've been visiting this site for a few months now and today i registered seeking some help. I was just notified this week by DoDmerb that i was disqualified. Reason? "Mental disorder, history" in particular asperger's. HOWEVER! Let me give you guys a little insight first. If i'm...