Search results

  1. P

    Super score for ACT?

    How does the CGA super score the ACT? We have two sets of scores to submit?
  2. P


    My DS already submitted his two extra recs but a third and very qualified person just offered to write one. What should we do? We can't revoke a recommendation letter request? One person already submitted.
  3. P

    Uscga early action

    Selection? So if you aren't selected for EA, are you considered for the Scholars program or do you have to reapply?
  4. P

    Physical Fitness Exam/Results required?

    My DS wants to start getting ready for the Physical Fitness Exam that he will have to submit with the application this Fall. What exactly is required of him to do and what results are they looking for?
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    Question about Prep School

    My DS's ACT scores are not that great - 25. He is retaking in Sept. My question is when he applies to CGA in November if they don't think he is ready, do they automatically consider him for the Prep School or does he have to ask to be considered for Prep?
  6. P

    Cadet for a Day

    We are all registered! My son received the Cadet for a Day email this morning and we are all signed up. He is very pleased, since he was waitlisted for AIM. We have heard this program is a better way to visit the Academy.
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    Cadet for a Day

    When will we know when sign up is offered?
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    Cadet for a Day

    When is Cadet for a Day? We were wait listed for AIM and ended up not getting in. The letter referenced CFAD. Does everyone get to go to CFAD who signs up? How do we register?
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    AIM Waitlisted

    No reply. We were wait listed too.
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    We are on the waitlist for AIM as well. The letter said we would hear by June 1, which is tomorrow, so I guess it's not looking good. Has anyone from the waitlist been contacted or do they do all tomorrow? The Cadet for a Day program might be worthwhile. When do they post the dates this...
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    Waitlisted for AIM - any news?

    Anyone know if the academy contacted anyone on the AIM waitlist yet?
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    AIM waitlitst

    Does the Academy just start selecting waitlisted people as the others decline and they email them?
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    AIM Selections

    Our wait list letter told us we would know by June 1. Hopefully, people who can't attend will decline sooner rather than later....knowing there a kids anxiously waiting to take their spot!
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    AIM Selections

    How soon do they start contacting people on the wait list? Wonder how many people are on the waitlist?
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    AIM Selections

    Wait listed So do they just email another letter if you are moved off wait list and accepted? Do they start emailing the wait listed people as soon as they get declines? Anyone know how many people are on wait list?
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    AIM Selections

    AIM selection - waitlisted My son applied to AIM 2013 and just received a letter stating he was selected to wait listed. Is this good? He wasn't rejected. What are his chances of getting in?