Search results

  1. K

    R/G Colorblind ARNG member inelgible for ANG truck driver job?

    I have previous AF service and am a member of the PA Army National Guard as an 88M Truck Driver for 10+ yrs. There is a position open with the PA Air Natl Guard for a truck driving position which I am applying for, however , I am Red/Green colorblind and was told that I would not qualify for a...
  2. K

    I have previous AF service and am a member of the PA Army National Guard as an 88M Truck Driver...

    I have previous AF service and am a member of the PA Army National Guard as an 88M Truck Driver for 10+ yrs. There is a position open with the PA Air Natl Guard for a truck driving position which I am applying for, however , I am Red/Green colorblind and was told that I would not qualify for a...