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  1. R

    Junior year classes

    I would strongly suggest AP English over AP Art History, the Academy strongly recommends 4 years of english, even if it is basic. Another thing, have you taken a chemistry course? If not that's something to look in to because that's another thing that the Academy strongly recommends, not to...
  2. R

    AP US History

    I have been debating with myself whether or not I should take AP US History next year. I am going to be in 9th grade next year and have been told by numerous people that I would do fine in that class. I want to take the course but there are a few road blocks that I need to think through first...
  3. R

    Allergy Disqualification?

    I had an allergy test done at the age of 4 and the doctor said that I am allergic. Now I don't know if I have outgrown that or not. It sounds like I should go to the doctor and get retested for my allergy. I am starting to think that I have outgrown it and simply still hate the taste.
  4. R

    Allergy Disqualification?

    I've had a very small peanut allergy since I was a toddler, the only reaction that I have is that I sense peanuts are in my mouth and I go and spit it out. I've even swallowed it before and nothing happened. That's how small of an allergy it is. When I was going through these forums the other...
  5. R

    Minor Peanut Allergy

    I've had a minor peanut allergy since I was 4. All that really happens is my tongue gets tingly. Would this allergy be disqualifying if I want to go to USNA? Or would I be able to get a waiver because it is so minor?