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  1. 2

    Cadet for a day

    That being said, my cadet was accepted without attending Cadet for a Day, so it does happen. He did a visit after he was accepted, though, to aid in his decision. I think that admissions understands that there is a financial challenge for many people.
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    R-Day Worth Attending?

    @F15DOC , we did go to R day last year, but for us it is only a 3 hour drive. On Sunday, there were several events and informational sessions that gave us quite a bit of information. On R day itself, you will not see your swab after you drop them off until they swear in late in the day. There...
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    Triple appointee -- what a choice

    My DS was SURE he wanted USMA or USNA, but ended up applying to USCGA at the last minute. He then did the overnights at each of the academies, and I was shocked when he called me from USCGA and said he loved it there. He decided, however, that he would take some time and weigh the pros and cons...
  4. 2

    Now for the long wait!....

    Remember that, once offered an appointment, they have a while to decide to take it. My DS was offered regular decision appointments to both USCGA and USMA last year late in February, and to USAFA in March, and he had until May 1 to decide between them. He made his decision around mid-April. I...
  5. 2

    Important Questions

    Each congressman/senator has their own process for applying for nominations. Check the websites of your representatives.
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    2020 Appointments

    Congrats to all with appointments, and not to be a downer but...Just a word of caution about those "Plan B" schools...don't discount them, even after your DS or DD makes the decision for an academy. It was heartbreaking last summer when a few cadets at USCGA were injured or disqualified during...
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    When should we arrive for Pre "R" day activites

    @proudofmyboy , We arrived Saturday evening before Monday R day (my DS's HS graduation was on Friday night, so getting there earlier was not an option), and I don't think we missed any of the formal occasions. There were some informal meetings, like kids meeting at Mystic Pizza, but the Meet...
  8. 2

    My son is struggling academically in his Freshman Year....

    Actually, struggling early on might help your cadet in the long run, because he knows he needs to buckle down. I am concerned for my 4C, because he was pretty successful in his first semester, and now seems to be more "relaxed" about things. When they get carry-on, and have free access to...
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    NYS Pending Legislation for Child Support for Service Academies / ROTC

    Currently, there is pending legislation to equalize the issue of child support for students who elect to attend a service academy in NYS. "This bill would rectify a situation in which a child under the age of twenty-one who enters a particular class of secondary school, such as preparatory...
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    Who gets to play sports at the USCGA

    I think that the opportunity for football was the deciding factor for my son, along with the smaller and more welcoming feel of the campus. And, now that Swab Summer is over, he is 100% sure he made the right decision.
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    Letter of Assurance

    You should try to improve those SATs and ACTs, particularly the math portion.
  12. 2

    Shoulder Board Ceremony?+

    @AuxNoob , can you please share that information if it is available?
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    Still in the Game

    @militarymomwannabe, there are candidate tours, where there is an opportunity to meet with an admissions rep, and then a candidate with a Letter of Encouragement can request an overnight visit. I don't know if it helps to go or not; my DS did both and was offered an appointment.
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    Best socks?

    We got Gold Toe over-the-calf socks. Pretty motivated;)
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    Class of 2019 Appointment Thread

    Congrats @UCONNhusk!
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    USNA Sprint Football vs. USCGA Football

    USCGA is D3. I would say contact the coaches. But you really should visit both academies and decide which one feels like the best fit for you. Despite their similarities, they are vastly different.
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    Class of 2019 Appointment Thread

    I am sure he will, @UCONNhusk! Good luck to you! Hope you hear soon! Older DS has been USAF enlisted for 12 years.
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    Class of 2019 Appointment Thread

    As honored as he was to be appointed, DS just declined his USAFA appointment to accept a USCGA appointment. Hopefully, someone will be getting good news very soon! I wonder if it will be someone in NY-21?
  19. 2

    Saying goodbye?

    @shellz , I send you a private message.