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  1. runslikeajohndeere

    Lurked, now joined

    Welcome! Helped D'S much when we chased his dream.
  2. runslikeajohndeere

    Military Retirement Benefits

    DS has already been to a class on joining the Blended Retirement. He figures he'll put in 5% and let them match it. I encouraged him to max out his contribution since he has little debt. Did discuss the rate of debt versus putting money into retirement 401K.
  3. runslikeajohndeere

    Military Retirement Benefits

    I'll have to ask DS what ROTC Army shared.
  4. runslikeajohndeere

    Branch Assignments

    No, he was top ten percent on oml so he said he couldn't ADSO. All Greek to me
  5. runslikeajohndeere

    Branch Assignments

    Right. Four years MI and three years Armor . Says he does armor first
  6. runslikeajohndeere

    Branch Assignments

    DS got first choice Armor and detail Military Intelligence. Also attending George C Marshall Awards and Leadership Seminar in Fort Leavenworth Been a great ride thus far!
  7. runslikeajohndeere

    Summer Training 2016

    Also waiting to hear schedule. DS hoping for internship.
  8. runslikeajohndeere


    DS has reconsidered branches as years progressed. Have your cadet talk to as many officers as possible and keep perspective that there are some real positives. Do some more research. Work on ways to boost OML that are offered (or created).
  9. runslikeajohndeere

    How much does completing application early help?

    Early application gives you opportunity to be approved for Dodmerb if academy or ROTC is interested. DS got nomination because he was medically cleared IMO. He put plenty of leg work forward and did his best.
  10. runslikeajohndeere

    What's your take on CIET

    DS also loved CULP. Hoping to get ctlt next year along with clc.
  11. runslikeajohndeere

    CIET Photos

  12. runslikeajohndeere

    Army plans to cut 40,000 troops

    Leadership and critical thinking are key now as always. The cuts they make now will surely test the old guard and young men and women training to be officers; every aspiring ROTC applicant should clearly know why they are serving and let that be their rock through thick and thin.
  13. runslikeajohndeere

    low gpa

    You have good goal for score. There are many variables that affect scholarship. DS was a hard worker, and his academic workload prepared him to do well during his first two years providing s very respectable GPA. What classes impact your GPA? Are they AP or IB classes? And what major or...
  14. runslikeajohndeere

    Ridiculously out of shape

    Sometimes having a training partner is good. If you're looking for a coach, then you might consider you're strength coach for football; I'm sure you good train with the high school I'll team during summer workouts. Goodluck
  15. runslikeajohndeere

    CIET items to pack

    D S s school signs in and out for equipment.
  16. runslikeajohndeere

    CIET items to pack

    Are any of these on packing list? Some good suggestions.!.!
  17. runslikeajohndeere

    Are there school quotas for national scholarship awards

    I have heard elsewhere on forum that some schools have more than one four year, but this is not the case at DS's school. As matter of fact, some national scholarship cadets don't make it past first year or two.
  18. runslikeajohndeere

    3 Year Scholarship and Recent Alcohol Related Infraction

    Tell cadre. Communicate and listen to them. This isn't really about law IMO; this about being a reliable and potentially sound leader. Only one mistake.
  19. runslikeajohndeere

    Army ROTC Scholarship Prospects

    I believe second board seems better for application if math score higher. Nevertheless meet or visit cadre of schools you like. Get noticed! Listen, ask and learn if school is a fit for you and you for them.
  20. runslikeajohndeere

    CULP report

    DS also stuck to packing list. Had much less than other cadets. Using viber for brief updates. Brought his own router. Great experience! BTW Kosovo