Search results

  1. Oldcorps

    Those still on NWL ..what are the chances

    Agree with DrMom. We had the deposit in at SU just in case with an ROTC scholarship offer. Then in late April, a call from the Senator and next day a BFE Hang in there
  2. Oldcorps

    SLE not selected

    With siblings at the Academy it is not needed. Try to get to Boys State , do SAT,ACR and CFA prep
  3. Oldcorps

    State Nomination Threads - Moderated

  4. Oldcorps

    Did I screw up this question?

    Watch the movie Bull Durham for your answer. They were actually quoting a scene
  5. Oldcorps

    State Nomination Threads - Moderated

    Delaware tends to announce nominations at the same time. Usually right before Christmas or shortly after the first of the year
  6. Oldcorps

    Vaping at USMA

    They do have fine cigars at Christmas dinner and other special occasions!
  7. Oldcorps

    USMA Class of 2022 Appointment Thread

    We kept telling folks to wait for the end but everyone started talking and leaving. They didn't have the doors "miked up" this year. The slam heard on the speakers was dramatic a few years ago. We still heard it and it was a moment to remember
  8. Oldcorps

    Plebe summer meals

    Hahahaha...the good old days. I lost about 20 during Beast
  9. Oldcorps

    SLE— Dirty?

    Sometimes after the kids make the college tour circuit , they have seen the best shiny dorms in the country. These same schools don't show you where 80% of the students live. All about expectation!
  10. Oldcorps

    Appointment rescinded...

    Has there been any feedback from Admissions today?
  11. Oldcorps

    How do I stack up against the competition? What can I work on?

    If someone at school tells you its too late to apply for Boys/Girls State contact a local American Legion rep. They love to help if you are interested
  12. Oldcorps

    Scramble ?

    That was actually 77 - we had to bear the burden of the fallout! Many of the 77's involved were turned back to 78 instead of separation
  13. Oldcorps

    Scramble ?

    Lots of reasons for scrambling. Back in the 70's it was initiated (or re-initiated) after a EE cheating scandal where companies were maintaining "study files". However there are many reasons to do it or not do it. Other factors come into play such as construction projects etc. I haven't heard...
  14. Oldcorps

    Is an IPad beneficial at USMA?

    Our 2019 told his brother to bring one. He'll be glad he did
  15. Oldcorps

    Need a room at Thayer from 6/30 - 7/3.

    2 weeks ago we were on the wait list due to a late appointment and something opened up in a week. Also the Bear Mountain Inn is nice
  16. Oldcorps

    Boys State or NA Summer Seminar?

    Boys State is the better choice if you are sure you want to attend USNA
  17. Oldcorps

    USMA Class of 2022 Appointment Thread

    What number?
  18. Oldcorps

    USMA & Basic Airborne School

    Yes they send several groups after Plebe year. Most do Air Assault at West Point. You may want to consider that it may be your only chance to get Air Assault in your career unless you get in the right units where you can probably get Airborne after graduation
  19. Oldcorps

    USMA Class of 2022 Appointment Thread

    1) GoArmy2022 / Self / LOA / 10-Jan-18 / Accepted / IN-02 / Congressional & Senatorial / Direct Appointment 2) Texan In MS / ?? / DS / 09-Jan-18 / Accepted / MS-03 / Congressional & Senatorial / Direct Appointment 3) KB2022 / Self / No LOA / 09-Jan-18 / Accepted / CA-33 / Congressional / Direct...
  20. Oldcorps


    looks like you are right there. Did you ever get 3Q'd?