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  1. H

    Interview parents?

    I took DS for his AFROTC scholarship interview at the closest Detachment. Since he was 18 and the age of majority, I didn't think I would be needed and dressed accordingly. Shortly after dropping him off, he came back for me. The Colonel wanted to ask me if I or any relatives had served and if...
  2. H

    Max 4 Graduation

    Enjoy your trip. DS is graduating tomorrow. If I lived closer, I would go. I received one letter from him and the major theme was how "stupid hot" it had been. Sent using the Service Academy Forums® mobile app
  3. H

    AFROTC 2015 Enrollment Allocations

    DS's Det. had a 100% EA selection rate (20+ cadets) yesterday. One more hurdle cleared. The decision was delayed ostensibly because of Spring Break. Since it was delayed, he had no way of knowing if the additional EA's released last weekend played a part. On to Bag Drag. Thanks to all the...
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    CGPA stands for College GPA. How each ROTC may or may not weight it is branch dependent. For instance, DS is an AS200 AFROTC tech major, and tech majors historically haven't needed as a high a CGPA as a non-tech major to qualify for Summer Field Training.
  5. H

    Wisdom Teeth Removal

    Sent using the Service Academy Forums® mobile app
  6. H

    AFROTC EA due date

    Good luck and best wishes to those 200s and 250s who had to wait until today to find out about their EA. You haven't been forgotten. DS is a 100 and watching these EA results for the last two years has been an eye-opener to say the least. Next year will be interesting.
  7. H

    AFROTC application help

    Having been an avid reader and a sometime poster, I think the prevailing answer would be to make your resume as strong as possible in terms of academics, standardized test scores, athletically and leadership positions. As far as specifics, please be a little more revealing (not too much so, it...
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    Dodmerb says "Qualified"

    Yes. A hearty congratulations. It's a great feeling. Snail mail confirmation to follow.
  9. H

    When to start AFROTC application?

    DS got his paperwork sent off at the end of October. Had his interview the day before Thanksgiving and the Colonel that interviewed him said technically he should make the December board but there was no guarantee. As it turned out, he did go up before that first board, was reboarded and was...
  10. H

    NROTC Scholarship and Gap Year

    +1 to cb7893 This thread hasn't always passed the smell test. That being said, the OP doesn't seem to possess the resolve that the NROTC deserves. I believe that the majority of scholarship recipients have an overwhelming desire to pursue this dream. I watched my DS's journey over the last...
  11. H

    AFROTC and Marching Band?

    Thanks Non Ducor, I appreciate knowing that it can be done. I'm still undecided as to how wise an idea it is, but I'm glad that it's possible. This came as a bit of a surprise to me this week because I didn't think DS was going to pursue band at college. My concern was acclimating to a new...
  12. H

    AFROTC and Marching Band?

    DS is going to a D1 school next year and will be an AFROTC cadet majoring in engineering. He wants to try out for marching band also. I'm looking for some guidance about how feasible and/or advisable band would be on top of academic and ROTC obligations. We've discussed that academics come first...
  13. H

    Anyone know their MAX?

    Your right Pima, I thought it was a different thread. No deja vu.
  14. H

    Anyone know their MAX?

    The Summer Field Training is held at Maxwell "Max" Air Force Base and each session is numbered. Hence, " Max 1 or Max 4".
  15. H

    Based on these grades/qualifications should I enlist in the USAF or AFROTC?

    Non Ducor is correct about the competitiveness of GT. The latest stats: 2013 GT Acceptance Rate 2013 Total Applicants -17,663 2013 Accepted - 6,954 2013 Denied -7,709 2013 Wait-Listed -2,610 2013 Early Admit Rate - 57.00% 2013 Regular Admit Rate - 18.00% 2013 Overall Admit Rate - 39.37%...
  16. H

    R251.24 Code

    This should probably be moved to the DoDMERB forum. However, DS who is also an AFROTC scholarship recipient received a R251.26 code. That particular code requires all medical records since the age of 12 to present. DS had "childhood" asthma before the age of ten and no symptoms since. Eventhough...
  17. H

    AF ROTC Enrollment Allocation Results

    When my DS received his Type 7 scholarship offer last month, there was a sheet specifically stating that the Freshman year monthly stipend was $250. No mention of the following year's decreases, however.
  18. H

    AFROTC - Which Schools?

    To piggy back a little bit on the last post: You can take a Type 1 or Type 2 to any school that has an AF Det. and the approved technical or non-technical major. Type 7 scholarships must be used at your in-state public school with a Det. and the approved major, unless converted to a 3 year type 2.
  19. H

    Type 7 ROTC

    DS received a 4 year Type 7 AFROTC scholarship last month. The scholarship will pay your in-state tuition at your in-state public school that has an Air Force ROTC Detachment and possibly some fees associated with academics. It does not pay for room and board. No AFROTC scholarships do...
  20. H

    Offical 2013 ROTC Acceptance Thread (All Services)

    1.Wienerdog-selected 4 yr NROTC to Rutgers 2013 (1/28 notified) 2.Sheriff3-DS accepted AROTC 4YR to University of Colorado-Fall 2013 (02/01 notified) 3.Cajuncarrier-DS accepted AROTC 4 yr scholarship to LSU 2/4/2013 4.mman5247-accepted 4 yr NROTC to Rutgers 2013 5.ProudOfOurMilitary-DS-AROTC...