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  1. GoCubbies

    D155.41 Dodmerb result

    Sounds like his eyes weren’t aligned right since birth. There’s a different standard for strabismus. If he didn’t get DQ’ed for strabismus too, then he might have had it enough to cause amblyopia but not a significant amount of it. There’s a good chance for a waiver.
  2. GoCubbies

    D155.41 Dodmerb result

    A waiver is possible if the one eye can be corrected to only 20/25 and the other is 20/20 provided the reason for the amblyopia is something that’s not progressive like cataracts, glaucoma, corneal ectasia, etc…
  3. GoCubbies

    D155.41 Dodmerb result

    What can the vision be corrected to if it’s not 20/20? Also, what’s the cause of the amblyopia?
  4. GoCubbies

    Remedial pharmacy records

    For that, just send an email to your case manager. The case manager list is on the DoDMERB website and applicants are assigned by last name. The case manager may accept the email as is or may ask you to provide a signed and dated pdf memo. Either way, you’re at least letting the case manager...
  5. GoCubbies

    Remedial pharmacy records

    Send an email to your case manager. Another option is to just wait and see what DoDMERB says. They may gloss over it and won’t ask for additional info. They may think it’s worth a deep dive and may ask for additional info. At that point, tell them you never used it. If you answer that way...
  6. GoCubbies

    Shin Splints Waiver??

    Shin splints are generally waiverable. If you did cross country this fall or track and field last spring and you had no issues, then you’ve got a decent chance for a waiver. Good luck.
  7. GoCubbies

    DQ codes

    Again, those conditions you list are waiverable and also “non-waiverable” depending on the context. For example, use of psych meds in the past 36 months. If stopped 24 months ago, and conditions it was treating like depression or anxiety stay in remission, no history of suicide attempt, etc...
  8. GoCubbies

    Question on DQ 241.30 History of airway hyperresponsiveness including asthma, reactive airway disease, exercise-induce bronchospasm or asthmatic bron.

    You wouldn't believe how many times a diagnosis was put in an applicant's medical records at the age of 14 years (if it smells like a duck, walks like a duck, then it probably is a duck) and then the primary care provider pulls it back later when the diagnosis isn't a good thing to have in the...
  9. GoCubbies

    Disqualification codes waiverability

    As @Capt MJ said, no one here can give you a definitive, or even an approximate, answer because those DQs have to be taken into context (eg severity, recurrence, recency, presence of red flag symptoms/signs, etc) and no one here has details of those. It’s even possible that they are...
  10. GoCubbies

    DODMERB? When will you know?

    At this point, it probably too soon to get a status on the DoDMERB exam. The contractor in Philadelphia has to QC the forms first. Once the QC is complete, it then goes to DoDMERB for review. From there, DoDMERB tries to make a decision within 72 hours of receipt from the contractor. The...
  11. GoCubbies

    Multiple Schools and Waiver Reviews

    Both schools will have access to the same AMI/AMS. There are times a school will request a different AMS than another. For example, kid is DQ’ed for asthma. One school will ask for a pulmonary function test and gets that done. Later, the other school is finally reviewing the same packet and...
  12. GoCubbies

    ACL Injury during ROTC PT time

    I apologize for this long email, but I wanted to make sure I gave you my take on your DS unfortunate situation. 1. I doubt your DS will be disenrolled from ROTC and discharged from the ARNG. For the latter, he will go on a temporary profile and has up to 365 days to get back up to speed. The 12...
  13. GoCubbies

    Possible Medical Disenrollment/Discharge for ACL Injury during ROTC PT Time

    Your cadet is contracted, correct?
  14. GoCubbies

    ACL Injury during ROTC PT time

    I am assuming your son is a contracted cadet. Need to confirm to better answer your questions.
  15. GoCubbies

    Protein in Urine

    There is no test during the initial DoDMERB exam for urine in the protein. You don’t have to prepare to give a urine sample on that day. There is a question in the DD2807-2 that does ask if you have or ever had blood or protein in the urine. Sounds like you positively endorsed that question...
  16. GoCubbies

    Do I need to update DoDMERB about ER Visit?

    Yes. You are required to report this incident. Be prepared to provide the records from the ER and any follow-up visits you had with your private doctors.
  17. GoCubbies

    Mental Health DQ

    It depends on the actual mental health issues and severity. It’s possible.
  18. GoCubbies

    Getting a Waiver again?

    So long as your DoDMERB exam is still good, then your waiver will carry over into the next application cycle. If you have to redo a DoDMERB exam because it’s been more than 2 years, and you get the same DQ, then you will have to undergo the whole waiver process again. Sounds like this DQ is...
  19. GoCubbies

    DoDMERB vs. Waiver Authority

    The BGO and ALO provided the wrong info. The waiver authority is not DODMERB in any situation. The waiver authority are the commissioning sources (ie USMA, USNA, etc). Same goes for ROTC. For Army ROTC, the waiver authority is the Commanding General, US Army Cadet Command, for example...
  20. GoCubbies


    You’re going to be fine. Your BMI is 29 and change From a medical standpoint, weight (too much or too little) is an issue only if you have a medical condition that’s causing it. In your case, it doesn’t appear like you have a medical condition, disease, illness, etc that’s causing this other...