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  1. B

    DQ for color blindness`

    Most places that still have a FALANT test set would likely be a research hospital. I went to the University of Houston Eye Institute and took a few tests, including the FALANT. This test is going by wayside...and fast. Come and get it while you can and while it still counts!
  2. B

    Rated RPA Slot: A quick change of plans and could use some advice

    719, have you taken the CCT color vision test yet? Even though an RPA career means keeping your a$$ on grass, they still are DQing people with a color-vision deficiency from ALL rated jobs, and spec-ops to boot. Non-waiverable. Refractory stuff is east to get waivers for. Unfortunately 6-8% of...
  3. B

    Color-vision Deficiency Unraveled

    Persistence will pay off if you stay the course. Any waiver will take some effort, patience, and hard work. Just roll with the punches and PRESS.
  4. B

    AROTC Color Vision Deficiency

    If you can pass the Farnsworth Lantern (also known as the FALANT) as the moment it is considered passing for some Naval Career fields. It's much easier than the PIP. Think of a red, green, or white LED showing 2 at a time and you having to say which one is what color (i.e. green over red). It's...
  5. B

    Colorblind question

    I know this thread is a bit dated, but for future viewers considering the Air Force as an option, they will take you if you pass the PIP period. However, If your looking to fly in the USAF, any trouble on the PIP will show up on the new computerized test and you will be barred without waiver...