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  1. K

    CGAS appointment

    I emailed so it might not be a bad idea.
  2. K

    CGAS appointment

    Anyone hear any news about CGAS waitlisters?
  3. K


    Any news regarding CGAS waitlisters? When should they be hearing any news?
  4. K

    USCGA 2021 Appointments

    Well, I'll be waiting till next week to hear anything back. If not, I'll definitely have to just go with plan B! Good luck to those on the waitlist who are waiting to hear back!
  5. K


    Still on waitlist too, good luck to all. If it's meant to be, it'll find its way!
  6. K

    CGAS appointment

    I have a couple questions regarding CGAS waitlist since you seem to be familiar with what's goes on to does who wait: Around what time do you typically see waitlisters get off the list? Also, do you know what determines who gets out of it?
  7. K

    USCGA 2021 Appointments

    It seems like everyone has been notified. Have you?
  8. K

    USCGA 2021 Appointments

    Wait so CGAS Candidates have to accept or decline by tomorrow? Where in the website does it say that...I thought it was may 1st?
  9. K

    USCGA 2021 Appointments

    And more waiting continues. I'll be moving on with plan b, still having hopes for the academy.
  10. K

    USCGA 2021 Appointments

    Heard back from the academy, was put on the waitlist for CGAS. I wonder how many are waiting there?
  11. K

    USCGA 2021 Appointments

    I haven't heard anything from them! :/
  12. K

    USCGA 2021 Appointments

    Glad I carried on with plan b! Everything happens in due time. Maybe I'll still have some hope to apply to next years round. Good luck to all!
  13. K

    USCGA 2021 Appointments

    I don't want to loose hope, but it seems like the chances are very little at this point for me.
  14. K

    USCGA 2021 Appointments

    I'm so anxious! I've waited this long and now that we're two days away I'm even more impatient!
  15. K

    USCGA 2021 Appointments

    Anybody else heard from admissions today?
  16. K

    USCGA 2021 Appointments

    I'm so nervous. Did everyone that applied hear back from DodMERB 2 weeks after they submitted or?
  17. K


    And that's precisely two weeks after you submit your application or? Thank you for the information.
  18. K


    I do have a physical however I'm not really sure how they would get that information? As a matter of fact, im not even sure how all of that works with DoDMERB. Do you mind explaining?
  19. K


    On their website is says that only people "deemed competitive for an appointment to the academy" or prepatory school will get an email about DoDMERB...within two weeks of their application submission.
  20. K


    I just want to verify this information: If an applicant has not heard back from DoDMERB within two weeks of their application submission, should they automatically assume they did not get an appointment?!