if you ever frequented the weight room at all during high school or in your free time, expect to lose quite a bit of weight during basic. no weight room and less than usual amounts of food are a recipe for disaster for football players, field and track throwers, wrestlers, etc. i lost like 30...
i'll agree with the other ic's on here. and to label all cadets as athletes is somewhat of a joke. especially now that intramurals (fun time) are cancelled almost every day cuz of weather. and i've been to a few "training sessions" that the regular cadets do. even after going to practice for...
finally, some 2014 fodder. but seriously, you are something special to receive an appointment this early! congratulations! good luck to the rest of 2014. i'll be waiting...:wink:
don't worry about it, even if you don't get an loa, it's not the end of the world. only like the top 10% of all applicants actually get it. you can still get into the academy; you just have to wait until march or so...keep up the good work! :thumb:
i just got cleared by the clearinghouse a few days ago, and i started the academic process in march or april of this year. it takes awhile for them to process everything.
can somebody explain to me how the pea works for an ic athlete? in season and not in season. i still don't understand how it all works, and it would be great if i could get some info. thanks! :smile:
don't be surprised to wait until late march or even later to hear back. i can't remember when i got done, but i didn't hear back till mid march. some people didn't hear back until a week before i-day. hurry up and wait--you'll be very familiar with that if you get here. good luck! :thumb: