Search results

  1. Meowspike13

    AIM recommendation letter question

    I had this exact situation happen to me last year. My recommender submitted their letter way after the deadline, I think about 1 week after it. One of the AIM coordinators, LTJG Emily Torsney, was very understanding of my circumstances and I was still selected to attend and complete AIM...
  2. Meowspike13

    Life Hits Hard (Rant/Situation Update)

    Hello to all, I received a letter in the mail from Great Lakes stating that my waiver for mild red/green color deficiency was denied. Because of this, I do not qualify for my NROTC Scholarship Navy-option (as to go for an URL officer slot since that is the main purpose for NROTC). It's hard to...
  3. Meowspike13

    Scouts after Eagle?

    Get your Eagle Scout rank!!! Even outside of applying for SAs and ROTC, it has helped me a lot with my college admissions for UCs, CSUs, community college, jobs, and more. Besides mentioning if you get your Eagle Scout, be sure to put if you were an SPL, ASPL, member of Order of the Arrow, etc...
  4. Meowspike13

    NROTC Choices

    @Calmama thank you so much. I have thought about the significant differences between the CSUs and UCs, especially within research or learning aspect of the curriculum. Only recently in my life have I thought that UCs are more viable, in my opinion, for the graduate or doctorate degrees while...
  5. Meowspike13

    NROTC Choices

    @Herman_Snerd thank you so much for that input. I did read into the fine lines of the NROTC Prep Program contract and it only states that tuition and room and board will be paid for ONLY during the preparatory year. After that preparatory year, I will receive the same 4-year scholarship that I...
  6. Meowspike13

    NROTC Choices

    Hello to all. I hope you guys are doing well. Currently, I am very fortunate and blessed to have options with my NROTC scholarship. I have the NROTC 4 Year Scholarship (only tuition) and an acceptance to the NROTC Preparatory Program at SDSU. Furthermore, I am on a waitlist for UCLA to...
  7. Meowspike13

    NROTC Scholarship Medical DQ

    Hello, I was recently awarded the NROTC National Scholarship. I had my DoDMERB medical paperwork reviewed and had the same DQ I had for USNA, which was a color deficiency DQ. This is because I found out I was mildly color red/green deficient (though I have no trouble going day to day...
  8. Meowspike13

    Remaining NROTC Boards

    Recently got an email stating that I earned the NROTC National Scholarship, however whenever I log into the NETFOCUS account, nothing appears when I try to access my scholarship application. It takes me to the page where it should show a decision however everything is blank including my name...
  9. Meowspike13

    San Diego NROTC Preparatory Program Insight?

    Oddly enough, me and Gunny have the same name. So when my dad came along, he had to take a second to process that haha. But indeed, Gunny is a squared away guy and I’d love to be able to be with any great NCO in any unit.
  10. Meowspike13

    San Diego NROTC Preparatory Program Insight?

    Hello to all, today I made the visit to SDSU and toured campus with a great MECEP Gunny who is going through the NROTC program there. Here are some of my takeaways from SDSU "visit" and from Gunny. Since the NROTC unit is mainly held at USD, most midshipman in the unit attend USD. This means...
  11. Meowspike13

    San Diego NROTC Preparatory Program Insight?

    Thank you all so much for the input. I truly do appreciate it, especially going through this rough time. I did speak to my Navy Chief earlier who did elaborate on some questions I had concerning my issue. He did mention OCS as a way for commissioning if it does funnel to that option down the...
  12. Meowspike13

    San Diego NROTC Preparatory Program Insight?

    I had the opportunity to speak over the phone with one of the LTs/Professors at USD for the NROTC program today. This is essentially what he stated to me: Though you may apply for the National Scholarship, and Preparatory Program Scholarship, APPLY FOR THE COLLEGE PROGRAM AS WELL!! I didn't...
  13. Meowspike13

    San Diego NROTC Preparatory Program Insight?

    Thank you for the information concerning me having to determine how much I will be paying. I didn’t know that expenses wouldn’t be fully covered. I will definitely try to find some type of meeting with current mids there and come back with a response on it.
  14. Meowspike13

    San Diego NROTC Preparatory Program Insight?

    Hello to all, I hope you guys are doing well. As per the title, is there anyone on this forum that has insight into what life is like as a midshipman candidate or midshipman at the NROTC San Diego Unit (specifically SDSU)? I say at SDSU specifically since I was recently accepted there (yay!)...
  15. Meowspike13

    USAFA Application/Checklist Problem

    Thank you so much Dad_2024, Candd82026, hello-there, and moho. I was able to receive a response earlier today and I hope to resolve this issue properly with my counselor ASAP.
  16. Meowspike13

    USAFA Application/Checklist Problem

    I have left a message to then before hand in their phone number, however the automated message in the call states that email will get the most expedient response since all workers have been teleworking. They previously stated to me in an email that they don’t usually check their phone number...
  17. Meowspike13

    USAFA Application/Checklist Problem

    Hello to all, I hope you guys are doing well. When doing my USAFA application, I saved my counselor's contact information so that the automatic email would be sent to her to submit my school-related forms. However, when I submitted my application, my checklist showed that she never did submit...
  18. Meowspike13

    Orthopedic Questionnaire Problem

    Last week, I did send a new email on the same email thread as per the previous instructions that you gave me. However, I never received a response back. Sir, I apologize for the lack of communication on my end and the lack of clarity on who to approach for help.
  19. Meowspike13

    Orthopedic Questionnaire Problem

    Hello to all! I hope everyone had a great Christmas/Happy Holidays. On my DoDMERB orthopedic questionnaire, there are boxes that are unnecessary for me to fill out. I have marked them accordingly with N/A and none, but it will not let me save and submit it? Is there a way to fix this problem...
  20. Meowspike13

    Orthopedic Questionnaire Problem

    Hello! On the medical history survey, it requires me to input multiple boxes concerning those orthopedic injuries. I have input N/A and marked no to all of the boxes. I marked nothing on the boxes that require a date on the treatment. However, I have had no orthopedic/musculoskeletal injury...