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  1. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    I am so sorry to hear this! Your DS is a gem! It is great to see those who are determined to serve and become an officer one way or another! It shows dedication and commitment! ❤️
  2. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    My DD's portal changed at Midnight EST to a Fully Qualified Offer! Her status had changed from pending to CPR on Thursday. She accepted immediately. Now she is a mixed bag of excitement and "Oh man! This is happening!" Good luck to everyone! Last year she was wait-listed for NAPS and then...
  3. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Offers of Appointment Self-Updating List (Posters copy, paste, update with their entry)

    1)Thegirlinthefireplace/Self/Oct 23, 2023/Undecided/Presidential Nom/LOA/Direct Appoint 2) MidMom2028/DS/Nov 15, 2023/Accepted/Superintendent/Direct Appoint/AL 3) NavyUMO/DS/Nov 16, 2023/Undecided/Disabled Vet/Direct Appoint 4) TKinion/DD/Nov 16, 2023/Accepted/MOC, DAV/Direct Appoint 5)...
  4. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

  5. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    Same for my DD.
  6. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    I haven't seen anyone go from CPR to TWE, but I will let you know what happens with my DD.
  7. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    This has happened to another candidate as well, but I do not think they received an email.
  8. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    My DD changed to CPR this morning. 🤞
  9. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    USNA posted this yesterday. Waiting continues here, for my DD.
  10. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    I am so sorry to hear this. I know he will continue his path to the Naval Academy!
  11. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    My DD is still pending as well.
  12. NavySP_Mom4

    April 15th

    I like to think of it as a positive and I try to keep my DD in that same frame of mind. If they haven't given you a TWE yet, then they are keeping you around for a reason. You aren't out until you are out!
  13. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you! I was telling my husband all about you about a week ago! Then I got to tell him you got an LOA and now I get to tell him you got the call! Like a proud mama over here! You deserve this!!
  14. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    Congratulations!! Well Deserved!!!
  15. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    We are right there with you. Naps waitlist TWE in june too. DD is still pending this year. Good Luck to you!
  16. NavySP_Mom4

    Portal updated to turned down

    Is this why a certain mentor, who i really look up to and has been a huge help to me these past two years, just disappeared from the forums?! Even if it is not, it is a shame that happened to someone. This is supposed to be a place of support and guidance. Smh.
  17. NavySP_Mom4

    Pending VS Complete Pending Review

    From what I gather they have changed how the system shows your package is complete this year. Last year my DD's said CPR until her decision (I honestly do not remember the date, you could probably look back in this forum to find that, but it was late in the game). This year, she has been...
  18. NavySP_Mom4

    USNA Class of 2028 Waiting and Speculating

    Just throwing this out there... my DD did not receive email notification to check her portal last year and has not received email notifications to check her portal for updates this year. Just food for thought. Everyone's journey is different, don't read too much into anything.