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  1. U

    Rules for mail

    Don't send home-baked goods. No matter how good your intentions are, the plebes will not be allowed to keep them. Avoid junk food. Send enough healthy snacks to share with 2-3 other plebes, though sending enough to share with the company is not necessary and will probably amuse your plebe's...
  2. U

    Iday question

    Grab some Shout wipes, for short term spill clean up they work better on whites and white works than tide pens. Bringing towels is a good idea, however don't be surprised if your plebe stands the entire time. They will be nervous and constantly on the look out for detailers. Make sure to...
  3. U

    Platoon assignments

    Key points to remember no matter what company your plebe to be is assigned to: Each company has its own traditions and culture. The current midshipmen in each company take pride in their company because their company mates have become their brothers and sisters. The leadership and...