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  1. J

    Sunday Phone Call

    Johnson, your words made my tear up, very eloquent.
  2. J

    Class of 2015 Indoc Photo Compilation Thread

    I think the maroon t shirts are of 3rd co, though.
  3. J

    A special "Thank You" to the indoc photographers!

    I am threatening you with a hug on Parents Weekend!!:shake:
  4. J

    Picture from the Waterfront

    I didn't think Band was divided into platoons, but I could be wrong...It's been known to happen.:shake:
  5. J

    Plebe candidate computer usage

    OOOkkaaayyy, I'd double check with him first...
  6. J

    Bowing in formation

    Some of it may be a medical basis, too, just get them to move a little while they have to stand in line. Standing out there on the hot cement, probably not enough water. I know the EMTs are there, but just getting them to move a little helps to keep the blood circulating. I fainted once when...
  7. J

    Plebe candidate computer usage

    Why would you want to draw attention to the Plebe Candidate by writing to the DI?
  8. J

    Indoc Photos / Bands on Arm

    See very top forum in USMMA; that has links to all the known pictures.
  9. J

    Picture from the Waterfront

    their company is on their right hand..if you can't see their right hand, look at the right hand of people you see standing around DS/DD. It's gone by the end of the day, so try for the lunch muster photos
  10. J

    Plebe candidate computer usage

    I understand that there is no mail delivery on Saturday or Sunday. Once they get their mail boxes I don't know if that will change.
  11. J

    Picture from the Waterfront

    according to the descriptions, Waterfront has yet to take any photos of 2nd company...:bang:
  12. J

    Figuring out their companies

    Hello all, After they're in their shorts and t shirts, do they only stay in their own companies? Forgive me if you've read this before on another thread, but I found pics of my son in Antonelli's photos. I can't see his right hand, but the people he's standing with opposite in the hallway...
  13. J

    How many don't make it to graduation??

    what is the "wake up"?
  14. J

    Class of 2015 Indoc Photo Compilation Thread

    I would like to meet M/N Antonelli when I go to Parent's Weekend and shake the boy's hand. Probably give him a hug, too. I wonder if one of his officer's duties is taking pics for the parent's liason office or public affairs or something like that? Anyway, love his pics!!
  15. J

    How many don't make it to graduation??

    In the video the parents association put out from this year, the speaker said there were 7400 applicants, 292 in the incoming class.
  16. J

    2015 Indoc

    Blues, If they were standing in the hallway holding out the notebook, is that the company they're in? AT the point I saw my son in the pictures, he was in the hallway getting yelled at, holding the notebook in his right hand which was facing away from the camera. The people on the other side...
  17. J

    H on Hand

    Hi all. I am assuming that DS means "dear son"?? Anyways, I noticed that all the DSs had H on their left hand, while company numbers seem to be on the right hand. The was one someone's DS with H on left and a red B on the right. I now believe my son is in 2nd company. His unknown bald...
  18. J

    2015 Indoc

    I love the music in the background...
  19. J

    2015 Indoc

    Hi, think I found my son and he has a 1 on his hand. Joy