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  1. F

    LDAC OML section question

    Hello, I saw an interesting question on the LDAC reddit webpage section, and myself am curious. The question was: " I have a question regarding the LDAC oml section . I see it is broken into two sections which are leadership worth 11.25 points and PLT TAC eval worth 6.75 points. Is it...
  2. F

    N at LDAC for failing land navigation?

    Hello everyone, I heard that this year at LDAC for Land Nav, cadets only get one shot at it. If they fail Land Nav, they are a NO GO on it, and no retest at all. Is it true, if one fails Land NAV they get an Automatic overall N for LDAC, even if they got S's and E's in all the other areas...
  3. F

    How points are calculated on Army ROTC OML

    Hey everyone, As a future cadet, who is trying to do his best to maximize points on the OML, I have a few questions regarding how this process works. I've been told calculating GPA OML points is a straight shot conversion (3.5 equals 35 points for example). However I'm confused on the OML...
  4. F

    How Army ROTC GPA is calculated for graduate students?

    Hey everyone, Does anyone here know if the undergrad MS3 courses we take as grad students count toward our GPA for OML purposes? On my school transcript my ROTC courses are only counted in my undergrad GPA. I would hope that the Army combines our Grad school GPA plus ROTC GPA. Thanks!