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  1. S

    1st semester grades

    Are you supposed to contact admissions or a regional commander or ALO if you got a bad grade grade in something? Like to explain the reason why you got a bad grade? I read somewhere that you had to...
  2. S

    Fall Semester Grades

    It was too late to drop anything. I had to finish the semester. And I tried to get out of Acdec but that was also too late. I had to stick it out. And you don't need to apologize, I deserve the scolding. I'm disappointed in myself. All I could do was go to tutoring and try and understand it with...
  3. S

    Fall Semester Grades

    Hello, I was just wondering what your opinion may be on this situation: I am a receiver of an LOA and a congressional nomination to West Point. However, something is troubling me: fall semester of my senior year. I have been a very strong student in high school up until this recent semester, I...