Search results

  1. T

    USNA 2/C Weekend

    Looking forward to the upcoming 2/C weekend. Who else is going? Seems like Plebe Parent Weekend was just a few weeks ago. We received the schedule and info packet, is there anything else we should be aware of? Attend/visit with our mid?
  2. T

    Important Factors In College Admissions Decisions

    I came across this article in "Inside Higher Ed" which notes the important factors in admissions decisions are: grades in college prep classes; all grades; strength in curriculum; admissions tests; writing/essay sample - something I thought would be interesting to share...
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    USNA Summer Block

    According to the USNA calendar spring semester finals end May 12 and summer block 1 begins May 31. What do plebes do between the end of the semester and the start of summer block?
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    Holiday break with your 4/c mid/cadet

    DS has been home for a full 2 days and has been sharing lots about his first semester at USNA. Its still his dream school and he says sometimes he can't believe he's there. We're glad he's made some good friends, joined in on the antics during A/N week (carrier landings, what?!), and is not...
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    Plebe Privileges

    When Navy Football wins, what privileges do plebes get?
  6. T

    Class Mottos

    How are the crests and mottos for each class determined?