Search results

  1. M

    USNA - "Qualified Alternate" nomination in portal

    Trying to find information to help answer someone else's question about posting of test scores in another forum, I logged into plebe DS's USNA admissions portal today. Under Nominations, it used to say Congress/Representative, and our state and district, and the date of that nomination. Now it...
  2. M

    Question re updated Candidate Activities Record (CAR)

    Question for those who have been-there, done-that: DS sent a CAR update to his admissions officer via his guidance counselor (so she could validate them), and admissions acknowledged receipt of same. (It was an email checking in, listing new honors, attaching updated test scores and first...
  3. M

    BGO Interview complete - phew!

    DS had his BGO interview last night...all 3 1/2 hours of it. It was challenging and exhausting, made more so by the fact that the BGO gave incorrect information about USNA and the nomination process (example: "You should consider joining the reserves so you can apply for a VP nomination") and...
  4. M

    Number of VA senatorial nom applications - class of 2019

    In case anyone's curious - I was told by the senators' nominations liaisons that Sen. Kaine received about 400 applications for SA nominations this year, and Sen. Warner received about 500 applications. (Why would 100 more apply to Sen. Warner than Sen. Kaine? Beats me.) Both use competitive...
  5. M

    Question re Letter of Recommendation for VP Nom

    DS is applying to all his possible sources of nomination, including VP. My question is - do the nominations office and admissions office share information, such that the strength of a recommendation for the VP nomination would be known to admissions (who will otherwise only see the math/English...