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    Naval Academy Summer Seminar 2009

    hey again well, i've heard from everybody everywhere people who got in and didn't that the summer seminar has absolutely nothing to do with getting in to the actual academy, besides the fact that the application for nass is the same as the preliminary app for actually going to the academy...
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    Naval Academy Summer Seminar 2009

    i'm not sure if this was directed to me? but i received my notification the end of march in a letter. i got a big packet with lots of papers to fill out: medical power of attorney, what to pack/how to prepare, a media release thing, and t-shirt size forms. and i got an email from john meise...
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    heyo this wasn't addressed so i'll ask again in case it was missed, does anyone know the boy:girl ratio for the usna summer seminars? and if there are any girls out there who did go to nass, how was it in terms of... i don't know... i guess awkwardness and feeling out of place? i kind of just...
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    Naval Academy Summer Seminar 2009

    usna #3 i'm going to usna summer seminar #3! i'm pretty excited, but i'm also really nervous, does anyone know what the boy:girl ratio is? and some inside info would be awesome, i read all the brochures and online info, but i don't know anyone personally who's actually gone to this, i...
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    Alright, well I'm Dani. from MD, and my dad's a Marine. I just got confirmation that I'm attending the United States Naval Academy summer seminar this summer (2009), and hopefully, I'll be seeing some of you at the Academy for plebe summer 2010!