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  1. C

    Allowed to have ____ Plebe Year?

    Plebes aren't supposed to have gaming consoles but multiple in my company have them. It depends on the company.
  2. C

    Received appointment... and an F+ in calculus

    I'm just saying, I had a D and multiple C's in my last semester of high school. My appointment was fine, however they only got my grades a couple days before BEAST because my school got out late and had issues sending my transcripts. I'm doing fine now.
  3. C

    Gift for Female overnight visit host

    I'm a cadet. I've hosted a CC. My close friend was in charge of assigning CC's and whatever comes along with that. Based off my experience (and my friends) no one really expects gifts. Normally we volunteer to host a CC unless it's a recruit. Gifts are nice but to my understanding aren't the norm.