Search results

  1. S

    Medical Discharge

    Are there any medical benefits available to a cadet medically discharged in their first year at the Academy due to an illness they developed? Thanks
  2. S

    Medical Discharge

    Are there any medical benefits available to a cadet medically discharged in their first year at the Academy due to an illness they developed? Thanks
  3. S

    Dual citizenship

    What effect would dual citizenship have on your application, appointment, or clearance? U.S. and Korean citizenship, for example.
  4. S

    Is it true Merchant Marines can...

    I am try to better understand the Merchant Marines. They are not a branch of the military, but the can join a branch after graduation? Do they have a 5-year service obligation like the other academies?
  5. S

    ALO Invisible

    Is it normal for a candidate to have zero contact or assistance from an ALO, minus the mandatory interview?
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    Reversing an accepted SA offer

    What would happen if someone accepted an offer to a SA, then in May or June got an offer from their 1st choice SA, wanted to take that offer instead?