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  1. P

    Application--letters of recommendation

    If he will be moving schools, he should ask his teachers about this now. It sends each teacher a form to fill out, super simple. It’s kinda hard to ask teachers during your senior year, at least it was for me because the lack of time with them.
  2. P

    also saw your from Olympia! Im from University Place just 30 minutes north

    also saw your from Olympia! Im from University Place just 30 minutes north
  3. P

    Do you know when packets of reporting details get sent out?

    Do you know when packets of reporting details get sent out?
  4. P

    Do i need get a TWIC? I'm reporting to Indoc this July and already have a passport.

    Do i need get a TWIC? I'm reporting to Indoc this July and already have a passport.
  5. P

    Question About Medical Waiver

    I’d bet your going to get the waiver bc same thing happened to me (nearly identical). In terms of deadliness I’m not so sure.
  6. P

    How to get a medical waiver?

    I had nearly identical situation from the information you’ve posted. Will be reporting for INDOC in July. I received a waiver so I’d be cautiously optimistic. I would also agree that a small lost deposit is a small price compared to the value of an SA education.
  7. P

    New superintendent?

    I’ve heard the current superintendent will be retiring this year. When will they announce the next superintendent? Seems like time is running on, without any new information. Does anyone have information on this?
  8. P

    maybe we'll cross paths again

    maybe we'll cross paths again
  9. P

    cool man, good luck at USAFA

    cool man, good luck at USAFA
  10. P

    University place Washington, south sound. Just south of Tacoma Washington

    University place Washington, south sound. Just south of Tacoma Washington
  11. P

    Saw that your also from wa state

    Saw that your also from wa state
  12. P

    have you decided if your going to KP yet?

    have you decided if your going to KP yet?
  13. P


    Absolutely! I had an extremely similar situation. I am currently a senior in high school and will be reporting for indoc at USMMA in July. I applied and was distraught when I received a DQ from DODMERB for my ADHD/ADD. But I was able to provide Additional Medical Information proving I live...
  14. P

    USMMA Class of 2026 Appointment List: Self-Maintained and DIY

    1) ParachutePanda/Self/November 30th, 2021/Declined/MOC/Direct/No LOA/FL 2) JacksonFarms/DS/December 02, 2021/Undecided/MOC/Direct/T&F Athlete/INDIANA 3)carson8644/Self/December 19th, 2021/undecided/Senator/Direct/LOA/VA 4)Chaggyc17/DD/December 24/undecided/Senator/Direct/LOA/DE (Delaware)...